Monday, December 30, 2013

Your Roof's Best Friend

Preventative Maintenance
There is no better friend to your roof than good, quality and proactive roof care. While yes, the membrane and perimeter metals are designed to last for many years, the sealants and flashings that complete the system simply do not. Most leaks develop from a steady process of deterioration that can be identified early and fixed at a substantially lower expense. Florida’s top building owners and managers recognize this and implement a cost efficient program to eliminate these problems.
Pre and Post-Storm Inspections
Extreme weather in Florida is a constant threat. Gale force winds and storm debris can be a serious threat to your roof. Equipment can become damaged, strong winds can dislodge components of the system and vegetative debris can clog drainage areas. It’s smart and effective to ensure your roof is ready for any storm and determine if any damage was sustained after the threat has passed.
Quality Workmanship
There are over 5,000 registered roofing contractors in Florida alone. There is not a single day where RAMCON is not asked to visit a facility and correct improper repairs completed by a sub-par contractor. Quality workmanship ensures that a repair is done the right way and endures as an integral component of the roofing system. Remember, all repairs must be completed within the manufacturers specifications to maintain complete warranty coverage.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Preparing To Move Forward On Your Roofing Budget

For most building owners and managers, the cost for roof replacement projects are accounted for as capital expenditures. Roof retrofit (recover) and major repair/restoration projects sometimes fall into this category as well. Costs for yearly preventive maintenance and minor repairs are typically expensed during the course of the business year.

Planning and large expenditure budgeting are critical elements of the long-term, successful management and operation of most large businesses. Accurately identifying required large expenditures in advance allows top management to factor them into the overall business plan during the planning period. Budgeting for the next business year is predominant.

It is also crucial that the expenditure amount be identified with a good level of accuracy. While slightly or moderately over-budgeting the cost of a project is generally accepted (even sometimes valued) by top management, a higher projected cost may compromise the project/budget approval. Alternatively, with the costs of roofing materials these days, under-budgeting a project’s cost can result in serious repercussions upon the project initiator, especially after the budget has been approved.

During our decades in the roofing industry, we have encountered numerous situations where the budget amounts for roof replacement projects were discovered to be inadequate. In literally every case, this was caused by not accurately understanding the existing conditions and/or inadequate design to meet the real project requirements.
Common Mistakes Made in Identifying Roof Replacement Costs
1. By far, the most common mistake made is not identifying the existing roof system/building components and the condition/function of each. This includes:
• What is the existing roof assembly make-up? How are the components attached to themselves and the deck?
• What is the condition of and thermal resistance (R-Value) of the insulation components?
• Can this roof really be effectively recovered with another roof system?
• What type of roof deck exists and what is its condition?
• Does the deck provide structural slope or is slope/drainage presently provided/enhanced by tapered insulation?
2. Another very common mistake is not identifying non related roof work that needs to be (or should be) accomplished before or during the roofing installation.
• Are there obsolete roof fixtures/equipment that would best be removed and deck openings closed?
• Is there roof equipment that need to be raised or remounted on new supports to allow effective flashing height and/or methods for Florida’s new code requirements?
• Are there older pieces of roof- mounted equipment that really should be replaced at this time?
• Are there deteriorated, associated adjacent surfaces allowing water infiltration and in need of repair prior to or in conjunction with the roof replacement work?

3. It’s been our opinion that many other roofing contractors pay little attention to following the various building codes when talking to building owners about their roofs. Building Codes are "the law of the land" and an owner risks incurring penalties if they are not followed during almost any type of construction or reconstruction project. Further, many buildings are insured by companies which have specific rigid requirements that must be followed by their insured’s to avoid cancellation or at minimum, higher premiums. Discovering code provisions or insurance mandated requirements that were not identified or factored in, after the project budget has been set, can become a real problem.
• RAMCON Project Managers always identify and investigate the applicable Building Code(s) which apply.
• RAMCON Project Managers pay special attention to all energy conservation codes that have been adopted. A project budget could be significantly impacted by the additional cost of increased insulation along with the associated costs of work required due to an increased roof assembly thickness.

When you get ready to move forward on your roofing projects per your budgeting, make sure you take into consideration all of the factors that could potential increase your costs significantly. If you have any doubts, RAMCON team members can assist you in ensuring you’re roofing budgets are right, that you are on track to meet the required Florida Building Codes and that there are no ‘unforeseen conditions’ lurking before you. Never forget, proper planning prevents poor performance and your team at RAMCON is here to assist you.

Monday, December 16, 2013

The Importance of Roof Maintenance

The number one cause of premature roof failure is neglect of routine maintenance. Water entering the building damages not only the roof, but what’s inside. Even a small hole can let a large amount of water into a roofing system, damaging interiors, merchandise, equipment, not to mention the work environment and business productivity.

Roof replacements are traditionally one of the most costly investments that a building owner can make. At RAMCON, we focus on the continued maintenance of roofing assets and not just roof replacements. Our philosophy is to assist building owners in the maintenance and upkeep of their existing roofing assets with the intention of extending the service life of the roof assembly as long as it is a fiscally sound decision to do so.

We work with building owners and managers through various services to help you control costs. These managed services include roof maintenance
plans, annual infrared scans of the roof assembly, coating applications when necessary and other services that allow a building owner to manage their roofs and the costs associated with maintaining them. We know that if a roof is properly maintained, it can yield a far more valuable life than if its unmanaged and left to deteriorate.

Roof Maintenance Pays Off
Roofing industry experts say that a building owner who budgets only 5 cents per square foot per year, can avoid losing three times that much per square foot each year. Add it up for a typical owner/manager, that’s easily tens of thousands of dollars each year in cost savings.

"The decision not to employ an aggressive roof maintenance program is costing owners between $.010 and $0.15 per sq. ft., per year." - Dennis Firman, after managing 600 million sq. ft. of roof as maintenance chief for the U.S. Air Force.

Our comprehensive, cost efficient maintenance programs, such as our Star Program, are designed to help you get the most out of your investment. Call us today at (813) 663-9667 and discuss your needs today.

Here at RAMCON, we’ve created three levels of comprehensive, cost efficient maintenance programs. Tailored to your specific facility, your investment in preventative maintenance is designed to award a fast payback, extend the service life of your roofing system and drastically reduce/eliminate roof expenses.

Preventative Maintenance conducted by RAMCON is so effective that some manufacturers will extend your warranty 25% completely free (example: a 20 year warranty becomes 25 years). Give us a call and we’ll perform a free preventative maintenance inspection, create projected service life extensions and savings analysis and a put together a customized plan that works for your needs and budget.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Making Your Roofs Last Longer

One of the most difficult problems facing building owners and managers is getting the most out of their facility ’s roofs. Why all the trouble with roofs? Part of it is due to the environment in which roofs must function. They are exposed to wind, rain, snow, hail,sunshine, animals, and a variety of other factors ranging from foot traffic to drastic temperature changes.

With the strain that roofs are routinely exposed to it is logical to think that roofs would be a focus of attention for facility executives. In some facilities they are but not all roofs are managed. Less than half of building owners ever file a claim against their roof ’s warranty even though most roofs experience some problems during the warranty period. And many of those who do file a claim have it
voided because they have not been doing the tasks necessary to maintain the warranty.

The difference between these two groups is how they view the roof. The group of facility executives that are successful in lowering roof costs view the roof as an asset to be managed. The others view the roof as a maintenance expense, focusing on replacing rather than managing.

Roof asset management is a process that begins with a thorough understanding of the installed roofing system. This is best derived from a comprehensive roof inspection from RAMCON. Evaluation of the inspection report along with data from subsequent inspections is used to develop a schedule and budget for major roof repairs and replacements. We’ll do this for you at no cost.

The Benefits
One of the most significant benefits of managing roofs as an asset is that doing so will extend the life of the roof. While it will take money to perform the tasks required, asset management programs will result in roofs that typically last 25% to 50% longer. In some cases, they can even double the service life of a roof. The cost of setting up and operating the roof asset management program is typically
recovered if the roof life is extended by only one year.

Roof asset management also reduces roof maintenance costs. One of the reasons why maintenance costs for roofs are so high is that they often are performed on an emergency basis. You call a roofer to solve your problem, and sometimes temporary repairs are made. Later they return and make the permanent,repairs. Not only have there been two service calls, but damage to the roof, and possibly the building ’s interior, has taken place.

A roof asset management program may not eliminate all emergency repairs, but it will reduce their frequency. And by identifying problems and taking action to correct them before they develop into leaks, the program will reduce damage to the roof and the building.

Another benefit of the program is better allocation of funds for roof repair and replacement. Many roofs are replaced before it is necessary to do so. By implementing an asset management program, you will have the information to determine if relatively minor repairs will correct the problem or if the roof is approaching the end of its life and requires replacement. It’s all about having the facts to
make correct decisions.

Realistic Budgets
Roof asset management programs allow managers to budget for roof replacement on a basis of need, not crisis. Replacement funds are usually used on the roof that is believed to be in the worst condition at the moment, but by establishing the condition of all roofs in all facilities, executives can set priorities based on real — not perceived — needs.

A major complaint from building managers is that roof warranties are complicated and misleading. While it is true that it can be difficult to process warranty claims with some installers, you won't have this problem with RAMCON. We have very close relationships with practically every manufacturer in the industry. Whether RAMCON installed your roof or not, we can maintain it through your existing warranty at no additional cost to you.

Staying on Top
Treating roofs as assets will provide financial and performance returns for those willing to make the investment. But roof asset management is a process. To be effective, keep up with collecting, assessing and updating of data. The time and effort are well worth it and RAMCON is here to assist along the entire process

Monday, December 2, 2013

RAMCON Collects Toys For Tots

Tis the season for giving! While the hustle and bustle of the holiday season is rapidly approaching, it is important that we remember those who are less fortunate then us. Once again this year, RAMCON management and staff are happy to give back. RAMCON will take part in the annual Toys for Tots Program by collecting new and unwrapped toys and books.

On Christmas morning, millions of children will wake up across the nation excited to see what Santa has brought for them. But the saddening truth is that many children will wake up on Christmas morning and their wishes will not be met. Help us change Christmas morning back into the whimsical haze of happiness and joy we remember. Together, through Toys for Tots, we can put a smile on a child’s face.

“Toys for Tots began back in 1947 when Major Bill Hendricks and a group of Marine Reservists in Los Angels collected and distributes in excess of 5,000 toys to struggling children. In fact, the idea came from Bill’s wife, Diane. In the fall of 1947, Diane crafted a homemade doll and asked Bill to deliver the doll to a local organization to donate at Christmas. To Bill’s surprise, no such agency existed, so Bill and Diane created one. In 1948 the program expanded it into a nationwide campaign. Now, some 65 years later, the initial objective and mission of the program remains.”

Join RAMCON in collecting new and unwrapped toys by dropping them off at our main facility in Tampa – 5902 Breckenridge Pkwy. Tampa, FL 33610 – or give us a call and we’ll pick them up.
For each toy donated, you’ll be entered for a chance to win a complimentary one year Bronze Star Preventative Maintenance package. For more information on Toys For Tots, please visit