El Niño: A Continued Presence
So what can you do to ensure that your property is protected?
First, get a roof inspection. It's easy to forget about your roof when it’s not Hurricane Season, but when leaks occur, you remember. Florida winters are extremely damaging to your roof because our extreme temperature chances, such as an 80º afternoon, a heavy rain and followed by a 40º morning. This expansion and contraction is destruction to the roofing system.
Second, check your drainage system. Debris and vegetation in your roof drainage system can cause it to backup, leak and create a dangerous weight load on the structure of your roof.
Third, consider getting your trees trimmed. Inspect trees on your property for potential hazards, like limbs that brush up against houses, or cracked branches that could break and fall during a storm.
For more information on El Niño, how you can be prepared and up to the minute monitoring, visit our El Niño homepage at www.ramconllc.com/elnino.htm
Sure explains all this December rain this year!