Roof replacements are traditionally one of the most costly investments that a building owner can make. At RAMCON, we focus on the continued maintenance of roofing assets and not just roof replacements. Our philosophy is to assist building owners in the maintenance and upkeep of their existing roofing assets with the intention of extending the service life of the roof assembly as long as it is a fiscally sound decision to do so.
We work with building owners and managers through various services to help you control costs. These managed services include roof maintenance plans, annual infrared scans of the roof assembly, coating applications when necessary and other services that allow a building owner to manage their roofs and the costs associated with maintaining them. We know that if a roof is properly maintained, it can yield far more valuable use life than if it unmanaged and left to deteriorate.
Roof Maintenance Pays Off
Roofing industry experts say that a building owner who budgets only 5 cents per square foot per year, can avoid losing three times that much per square foot each year. Add it up for a typical owner/manager, that’s easily tens of thousands of dollars each year in cost savings.
“The decision not to employ an aggressive roof maintenance program is costing owners between $.010 and $0.15 per sq. ft., per year.” - Dennis Firman, after managing 600 million sq. ft. of roof as maintenance chief for the U.S. Air Force.
Our comprehensive, cost efficient maintenance programs, such as our Star Program, are designed to help you get the most out of your investment. Call us today at (813) 663-9667 and discuss your needs today.
Here at RAMCON, we’ve created three levels of comprehensive, cost efficient maintenance programs. Tailored to your specific facility, your investment in preventative maintenance is designed to award a fast payback, extend the service life of your roofing system and drastically reduce/eliminate roof expenses. Preventative Maintenance conducted by a top contractor is so effective that some manufacturer’s will extend your warranty 25% completely free (example: a 20 year warranty becomes 25 years). Give us a call and we’ll perform a free preventative maintenance inspection, create predicted service life extensions and savings analysis and a put together a customized plan that works for you.
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