Monday, November 4, 2013

It's Budget Time....Again!

Yes, it is that time of year again. It is time to begin the budget process. But, how do you arrive at the bottom line figure for your roofing budget? Do you make an "educated guess" or is it just a complete "shot in the dark"? Maybe you are a little more practical, and you know that a roof is undergoing constant wear and attack from the elements, so you add a standard 10% to 15% to last year’s budget?

However, none of these approaches takes the composition, condition, age or life expectancy of each roof into consideration. It is still imperative to have answers to the following questions:

1. Exactly what type and how many roofs are on each property.
2. Will the pace of needed repairs accelerate and how fast?
3. Are certain areas of the roof experiencing greater problems than others?
4. Is there trouble brewing up there, and can it be prevented?
5. How many years will the roof last?
6. How much should be budgeted for emergency repairs?
7. How much should be budgeted for preventative maintenance?
8. How much should be budgeted for roof replacement, if necessary?

As Florida’s leading full-service roofing contractor, RAMCON is happy to assist in this process. We will send an inspection crew to thoroughly inspect each roof in your portfolio, and put together a comprehensive analysis report, which will include the following information, and so much more:

1. Detailed captioned photographs visually showing the entire roofing system.
2. Report of conditions of the field and flashing areas of the roof.
3. Professional estimates in years of the roofs remaining serviceable life.
4. Exact figures for anticipated yearly maintenance, roof replacement options (if necessary), and preventative roof maintenance items.

Here at RAMCON, we can help you feel more secure in the preparation of your budget. Give us a call at (877) 726-2661 and we’ll work directly with you, providing inspections, recommendations and accurate budget numbers at no expense to you. It’s all in an effort to help our clients make the best roofing decisions possible and add to their bottom line.


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