Wednesday, February 18, 2015


SCENARIO: You have a roof leak. Tenants are complaining, liabilities are increasing and assets are being damaged. You have to respond…and you need to do it now. What should you do, send a maintenance technician to repair the problem or call a qualified roofing contractor? How you choose to respond to this situation is vital. Sure, you could send up a maintenance technician or facilities engineer. Do they know what to look for? Are they equipped to solve the problem? Can they determine whether they should use SBS or APP modified materials or whether the material is PVC or TPO? ALMOST UNANIMOUSLY THE ANSWER IS NO.

While many materials look and feel the same, they are not compatible. Apply an APP to an SBS membrane and may cause warranty voids. Repair a PVC membrane with TPO and you’ll think it sticks…for about a day or two. Then it will come apart and you are back to square one.
Perhaps the maintenance technician sees a hole in the metal and of course caulks it. They think they’ve found the point of water intrusion, not knowing they sealed a weep hole and now you have a condensation issue. Now a nuance problem is a costly emergency.

With this information in mind, you need a professional roofing contractor that has the highest standard of safety, quality, service, integrity and approved by the roofing material’s manufacturer.  Resist the urge to send up a maintenance person and try to do it yourself. There are specific repair processes and materials used that will ultimately determine whether the repair will last for a few weeks, or serve as a core component of the roofing system throughout the duration of its service life.

In fact, when RAMCON does warranty repairs, the repairs are also included under your manufacturer’s warranty throughout its term. Repairs completed by unauthorized persons who are not certified by the manufacturer will not be warrantied, and could put your warranty in jeopardy (read your warranty carefully). The manufacturer keeps detailed data of all roof repairs completed on your facility and it’s obvious whether or not repairs were completed to their specifications. Avoid the ‘leak – fix – repeat’ cycle and let RAMCON do a comprehensive evaluation at no expense to you.

Comprehensive Roof Evaluation Will:
  • Detect developing issues, why they are occurring, and how to eliminate them. How much to budget over the next year for remedial and emergency repairs? 
  • Budgeting projects for future roof replacements and/or retrofits.
  • Recommend cost saving measures that increase the return on investment you’ve made on your roof.
Moving forward is simple. Give RAMCON a call. We have dedicated customer service representatives and experienced survey teams whose entire mission is to evaluate your roof’s performance and conditions. We’ll visit the facility, complete a comprehensive evaluation and provide you with a detailed roof analysis at no cost.

Our roof evaluation team exists solely to provide you with the resources you need to make the best decisions possible regarding your roof.  We even warranty every repair we complete, so you will be set through the entire summer. Let us do the legwork, and you can reap the benefits of lower lifetime service cost and effective budgeting.

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